4 Ways to Drive Revenue and Prep Customers for 4th of July Road Trips

According to AAA in June 2019:
48.9 Million Americans will travel for the 4th of July holiday
41.4 Million of those will be road trips
Except an increase in pre-travel tune-ups
The Majority plan to travel 50+ miles
AAA expects to rescue nearly 367,000 drivers roadsire this independence day holiday due to:
- Flat tires
- Dead car batteries
- Lockouts
The top 3 on-road issues
4 ways to prepare your customers and drive revenue:
Encouraging preventative vehicle checkups
Let customers know they'll need a thorough inspection to make sure their vehicle is in premium condition before a long road trip.
Promoting tire safety
Email your customers and remind them to make sure to have their tires checked before their upcoming road trips. Offer a special discount to customers whose tires need replaced.
Posting a road safety message on social media
This will help you get important road safety messages across to a wider audience and create more visibility for your shop. Include a 4th of July special offer.
Running a special discount on FOB Battery and key checks
Have customers bring their keys and FOBS in to check everything is in order and the batteries don't need changed to help prevent lockouts due to broken keys aor dead batteries.